Korean Numbers Flashcard Printable

Bring Gus on the Go to life with this free set of Korean Numbers Flashcard Set! These full colored flashcards make learning fun as a companion piece to Gus on the Go: Korean. The numbers 1-10 are represented in this printable.
This flashcard set displays the Korean number system (하나,둘,셋,넷,다섯,여섯,일곱,여덟,아홉,열). If you’d like a version with the Sino-Korean number system (일,이,삼) let us know!
Print the pdf, cut around the cards and start counting!
**Print on cardstock for longer lasting flashcards.
Get your kids to LOVE the Japanese language with Gus on the Go: Japanese! This app is packed full of interactive lessons, engaging lesson reviews and fun vocabulary games. Learning Japanese has never been this fun!